Société Nationale de Développement Rural (SONADER)/National Company for Rural Development (SONADER)/Ministry of Agriculture National Rural Development Company (SONADER)/Ministère de l'Agriculture Soci

General information

Organization name Société Nationale de Développement Rural (SONADER)/National Company for Rural Development (SONADER)/Ministry of Agriculture National Rural Development Company (SONADER)/Ministère de l'Agriculture Soci
Country of operations Mauritania
Description a commercial and industrial nature, with legal personality and financial independence, created in 1975 to promote irrigated agriculture in Mauritania. It is concerned with participating in the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the integrated development policy on the banks of the Senegal River and its tributaries and branches for the benefit of all national or foreign, public or private actors. Tasks - Conduct studies and implement work monitoring (reclamation and rehabilitation) in agricultural water infrastructure, irrigated farms, as a delegated employer, or as an employer. - Monitor and maintain agricultural water infrastructure (water axes, barriers, canals, farms, bridges, etc.) - Conduct a master plan for agricultural water reclamation in the river area. - Support the encouragement and guidance of national and international investors to develop water-agricultural and agro-industrial infrastructure projects. - Support the exploitation of collective irrigated farms and small farmers in the field of access to agricultural inputs, promotion of agricultural mechanization, and transformation and marketing of products of all agricultural sectors. - Ensure agricultural advisory services for small farmers and private actors. - Monitor and evaluate production systems and agricultural value chains. - Work to harmonize the mechanisms for organizing and managing small, medium and large collective farms.
Type of buyer Government Organization
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Primary contact information

Name Mr. Hamada Didi Sid Ahmed
Title General Manager
Address Route Nationalel Nouakchott, Arafat, LOT Z I 7BIS, B.P. 321 Mauritania,Nouakchott ,B.P. 321
Phone +222 45 24 29 99

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